How to Fix “Wldcore.dll is Missing” Error in Windows 10

WLDCore.dll is missing

In Windows, there are various issues and errors that occur one after the other. DLL error is one of them and today in this article I am going to discuss WLDCore.dll missing error in Windows 10.

The below error message appears on the screen appears when the user tries to perform any action that is related to Windows Live Mail :

The program can’t start because WLDCore.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix problem.

Usually, this error occurs when Windows is upgraded or reinstalling a particular application and the system moves the WLDCore.dll file by grouping it in the shared folder.

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7 Effective Methods To Fix Rundll Error in Windows 10/8/8.1 & 7

Fix Rundll Error in Windows 7/8/8.1 & 10

RunDLL error is one of the irritating issues that generally interrupt the system startup by prompting an annoying error message. It occurs when a system file called Rundll32.exe gets inaccessible by the operating system.

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[FIXED] d3dx9_43.dll Missing or Not Found Error in Windows 10, 8, 8.1 & 7

Fix d3dx9_43.dll Missing Error

Is your Windows system throwing d3dx9_43.dll missing error message? Are you unable to run any app or play games on your Windows 10/8/7?

If your answer is YES, then this article is for you. Here follow the given solutions one by one and make your system free from d3dx9_43.dll error.   

The D3dx9_43.dll is known as “Direct3D 9 Extensions”, it is a part of Microsoft® DirectX for Windows program developed by Microsoft Corporation.

Just like other DLL files, the d3dx9_43.dll is one of the important files shared by many applications or games.

But many users reported they are getting the d3dx9_43.dll missing error whenever they try to run the application/game that is linked to the d3dx9_43.dll file.

As per the users, they are getting the d3d9.dll missing error with the game PES 2017, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Resident Evil 6, Street Fighter X Tekken, Black Ops, Far Cry 4, Oblivion, GTA 5.

If this is the case then don’t worry because you can fix error d3dx9_43.dll by applying below given solutions.

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[Solved] How to Fix MSVCR120.dll Missing Error Windows 10?

msvcr120.dll missing

Is your system throwing an error message when running games or installing apps in the Windows system?

The program can’t start because MSVCR120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem”

If yes then don’t panic as this is one of the common Windows error and you can get rid of this dll error easily and quickly.

Before going to fix this error message, first, you need to know about the MSVCR120.dll file. The MSVCR120.dll file is one of the important parts of all the Windows Operating System. This single file is shared by various applications and services of the Windows Computer and Laptop.

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[Video] How to Fix DLL Files Missing on Windows 10 Computer

Watch how to fix Windows 10 and other operating systems DLL Errors with ease, this video tutorial will guide you to fix any kind of DLL issues. For more watch this video…

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How to Fix FirewallAPI.dll is Missing / Not Found Error Messages

FirewallAPI.dll error windows 10

Here comes another DLL file error known as Firewallapi.dll error.

Firewallapi.dll Windows 10 is caused when the application is executing the process or the firewallapi.dll file is missing then it displays the error message:

The program can`t start because firewallapi.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem.

If you are also noticing this error on your computer screen and want to get rid of it then continue reading this article.

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How to Fix Wdsutil.dll is Missing or Not Found Error in Windows 10/8 & 7

wdsutil.dll is missing or not found

Are you encountering the “wdsutil.dll is missing” error in Windows system? Also due to this facing various system issues like computer freezing, system shutdown, slow bootup, and the installation fails issue.

Then in this article, you will get the complete information to fix wdsutil.dll is missing error.

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[SOLVED] Msi.dll is Missing or Not Found Error on Windows 10/8 & 7

 Fix Msi.dll missing or not found error

Getting the Msi.dll is missing or not found errors in Windows 7/8/8.1 & 10, while trying to open the application or playing games or in other cases.

Looking, what went wrong and how to fix Msi.dll errors, then follow the fixes given below one by one to solve the problem.

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